Why A Lighthouse

Welcome to our website, where the timeless allure of the majestic lighthouse inspires our mission. Just as the lighthouse illuminates the darkness, we shed light on your business challenges, offering guidance and protection along the way. Our team of experts is dedicated to navigating you through the complexities of today's business landscape. We provide tailored solutions and resources to align every aspect of your organization with strategies that pave the way for long-term prosperity. Partner with us and let’s steer your journey to success.

About Us

Welcome aboard iSeek Solutions, a division of PAC3 Technologies, Inc., proudly anchored in Birmingham, Alabama. As a minority-owned and certified woman-owned consulting firm (WBE & WOSB), we are dedicated to propelling our clients toward success through visionary leadership and time-tested methodologies.

“If you are a sports team, you must win championships; if you don’t find a way to win at your chosen game, you cannot be considered truly great.”

– Jim Collins

iSeek can help you win championships! Learn how by digging deeper into our website or use the Contact Us page to reach out to us.

Since our establishment in 2007, we’ve specialized in crafting solutions that navigate the complexities of today’s challenges. At iSeek, we bridge the gaps in knowledge, skills, capacity, and leadership, empowering organizations to achieve more than they could on their own.

Our approach begins with immersive strategic planning and goal-setting workshops. These hands-on sessions sculpt the essence of your organization, defining its purpose, audience, actions, and motivations.

Once strategies are set to steer your organization towards its vision, mission, and goals, iSeek collaborates closely with your leadership. Together, we tailor control systems that ensure effective governance and foster stakeholder engagement. We monitor your progress, pinpoint obstacles that impede peak performance, and implement proactive measures to overcome them.

Real change unfolds when organizations introspect, evaluate performance, and embrace evolution. iSeek equips you with the tools, techniques, and expertise to comprehensively assess your business’s health. We craft a roadmap of actionable steps, guiding you towards your desired outcomes with precision and clarity.

Meet The Principals

Our Team

The iSeek team comprises seasoned professionals boasting extensive expertise across diverse verticals including banking and insurance, education, healthcare, local government, and beyond. Our professionals hold esteemed certifications in Traditional and Agile project management disciplines, such as PMP, CSM, RSM, RPO, and Change Management (OCM), ensuring the highest caliber of proficiency and competence in delivering exceptional results for our clients.

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Our Approach

At iSeek, our commitment to personalized service is paramount. As a customer-centric and solutions-driven firm, we prioritize forging deep connections with our clients. Our team of professional consultants adopts a tailor-made approach to management consulting, navigating clients through intricate business and technology hurdles with tailored solutions.

As a boutique consulting firm, we leverage the advantages of merging cutting-edge technology and best business practices with a personalized touch that resonates with our clientele. Proficient in both vertical and horizontal aspects of strategy, innovation, business optimization, and technology alignment, we bring a holistic perspective to every engagement, ensuring comprehensive solutions that meet our clients’ unique needs and aspirations.

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In the dynamic landscape of business, challenges, especially those associated with change, can pose significant obstacles, even for thriving enterprises. At iSeek, our Solutions are meticulously crafted to adeptly traverse complex scenarios and bridge gaps in knowledge, skills, capacity, and leadership. We partner with our clients to illuminate strategic objectives, seamlessly connecting them with initiatives aimed at enhancing efficiency, efficacy, and bottom-line impact. Our diverse portfolio of Solutions empowers clients to Align their operations, Optimize their processes, Empower their teams, and ultimately, Succeed across all facets of their business endeavors.


Clarify Purpose &
Relevant Goals

⦿ Strategic Planning & Goal Setting
⦿ Organizational Structure & Control Systems
⦿ Corporate Governance
⦿ Stakeholder Engagement


Improve Processes & Methodologies
⦿ Business Health Check
⦿ Performance Assessments
⦿ Business Impact Assessment
⦿ Business Process & Technology Optimization


Equip With Tools, Techniques, & Know-How

⦿ Business Analysis
⦿ Requirements Gathering
⦿ Project Management Methodologies
⦿ Project Management Tools


Realize Superior

⦿ Program Management
⦿ Project Management
⦿ Change Management
⦿ Vendor Management

Contact us today to discuss your strategy

Surrounded by smart, passionate people and with the best tools and approaches at your disposal.
