

“In business, performance is defined by financial results—return on invested capital—and achievement of corporate purpose. In the social sectors, performance is defined by results and efficiency in delivering on the social mission. But whether business or social, you must achieve top-flight results. To use an analogy, if you are a sports team, you must win championships; if you don’t find a way to win at your chosen game, you cannot be considered truly great.” – Jim Collins


Realize Superior Results Through

Program & Project Management

Improve productivity, reduces costs, and workloads by utilizing industry-best project management disciplines and expert know-how.

Vendor Management

“Only recently have people begun to recognize that working with suppliers is just as important as listening to customers.” - Barry Nalebuff.

Change Management

Organization Change Management (OCM) is the process, tools and techniques used to manage the people side of change to achieve the required business outcome.

A Roadmap Of Our Solutions & Resouces

Our roadmap of Solutions and Resources guide our client’s progress toward their desired goals. The journey begins with aligning strategy, clarifying purpose & relevant goals, then assessing the current state to determine if the direction they’re headed in will lead to their desired destination. In most cases, there are obstacles, challenges, and opportunities to optimize, overcome, or exploit. That’s where skilled project management tools, techniques, and know-how are deployed and superbly executed, empowering our clients to realize superior results, achieve transformational change, attain business stability and maximize growth potential.

Program & Project Management

There has to be a better way than this! How to get big benefits from project management basics.”  – Paper presented by D. Armshaw at PMI® Global Congress in 2005

Organizations have come to understand that good project management can’t be overstated. When it’s done right, it helps every part of the business run more smoothly. That’s because good project management is about more than just tasks and timings and budgets. Don’t get us wrong, that stuff is important too — but we believe there is so much more.

Why It Matters

Companies are starting to realize that good project management, done right, produces significant benefits. iSeek project managers add value to organizations in ways such as:

Program & Project Management Benefits

  • Providing a clear roadmap which guides and leads you towards successful project completion. A clear project roadmap allows you to work smarter, not harder.
  • Improving growth and revenue potential, increasing time to market for products and services, and delivering and excellent customer experience.
  • Improving progress tracking, inspecting deliverables, and ensuring benefits are realized.
  • Improving management of risks, issues, and scope changes.
  • Improving communication, stakeholder engagement, and end-user satisfaction.

Change Management

“Any change, even a change for the better, is always accompanied by drawbacks and discomforts.” – Writer, Arnold Bennett

iSeek’s approach to OCM is based on Prosci’s 3-Phase Process:

  • Phase 1

    Prepare for Change

  • Phase 2

    Manage Change

  • Phase 3

    Reinforce Change

Tools For Change Management

We utilize a holistic set of tools that support the people side of change. The tools include:

Readiness Assessment

Communication Plan

Sponsorship Roadmap

Coaching Plan

Training Plan

Resistance Management Plan

✔ Employee Feedback and Corrective Action
✔ Recognizing Success and Reinforcing Change
✔ After-Project Review

Vendor Management

iSeek’s vendor managers help organizations succeed by adding value to activities such as selecting the right vendors, negotiating contracts, harnessing cost savings, reducing vendor-related risks, facilitating and maintaining relationships between your organization and the vendor or supplier, thereby ensuring timely and accurate customer service delivery.

More Solutions For Achieving Your Objectives

View our full portfolio of Solutions that enable our clients to Align, Optimize, Empower, and Succeed in all aspects of their business.

  • Align

    Clarify Purpose &
    Relevant Goals

  • Optimize

    Improve Processes & Methodologies

  • Empower

    Equip With Tools, Techniques & Know-How

  • Succeed

    Realize Superior