Do you remember where you were when…
For many of us, the COVID-19 pandemic will become a “snapshot in time”, meaning we’ll always remember where we were when… your state government issued the mandatory quarantine; the Senate passed the $2 trillion CARES Act; summer arrived and the quarantine continued; vacations, birthdays, weddings and holiday events were canceled; the US reached the grim death toll of more than 500,000 Americans. For a lot of people, where we were was “at home”! Even now – a year later – there has still been no return to what we once knew as “normal”.
No doubt it’s been difficult, and a lot of other adjectives! Yet we’re still here, forging ahead and creating a “new normal” that, in many ways, has the potential to be better than the old “normal”. Plato, philosopher and artist, famously wrote, “our need will be the real creator” which was molded over time into the English proverb, ‘Necessity is the mother of invention‘. That proverb is probably truer today than ever. Necessity has brought about a change of attitude and technologies that allows many more of us to work from home, avoiding sometimes lengthy commutes and allowing us to spend more time together with our families. We have seen more empathy in our nation, with more people reaching out to and helping friends and neighbors in need. Charitable contributions to churches, non-profits, and other agencies for the purpose of supporting the needy in our communities have not diminished despite the economic hardships experienced by countless. In many cases, charitable contributions have actually increased! We are making changes, out of necessity, that is enabling us to be more “human”, without significantly diminishing our nation’s efficiency or effectiveness!
For many of us, another “snapshot in time” this last year was the brutal, unjust police killing of George Floyd and the ensuing civil unrest. While the majority of Americans were, and are, horrified by George Floyd’s killing, we can be encouraged by the nation’s many responses to this and similar events over the last year. People from all races and walks of life came together with purpose and determination demanding the eradication of racial injustices, inequality and systemic racism, and because of this there is real hope that, this time, we will see a lasting, positive change to human relations in our country!
We have faced major challenges this last year resulting in significant changes in our personal and business lives. As Americans, we have done what we always do in the face of challenge: we have adapted and continue to find ways to overcome!
“We are all navigating the new normal together. As we lock arms virtually and try to help one another in ways we can, our vast world suddenly feels a little smaller and more connected. And for that, we are grateful.”
Michael Dell – CEO of Dell
Have your business and your employees adapted optimally to the new environment we find ourselves in? Clearly, business as usual is no longer an option. Analyzing lessons learned, assessing current state and envisioning future state are essential to determining whether your business requires a strategic pivot, operations overhaul, or change in workplace culture. iSeek’s proven organization alignment techniques will guide and support the arduous process of assessing the impacts your business faced during these unparalleled times, analyzing operational performance, and measuring the overall health of your business. Our in-depth approach discovers cost savings opportunities, uncovers revenue potential, and exposes operational inefficiencies. Custom solutions are crafted to capitalize on newly-discovered opportunities for growth and improvement.
Visit the resources page of our website to learn more about our proven tools and techniques. Then, contact us to begin developing or optimizing strategies for success in the “new normal”.
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