Just Do It
For most of us, we hear or see the phrase “Just Do It” and we think of the Nike logo with the Swoosh. Some of us might think of Shia LaBeouf’s extremely loud motivational speech from June 2015. If you haven’t seen the video, watch it here:
Barack Obama, the 44th president of the United States, said it this way, “The best way to not feel hopeless is to get up and do something. Don’t wait for good things to happen to you. If you go out and make some good things happen, you will fill the world with hope, you will fill yourself with hope.”
Clearly the world needs hope and purpose as do many of us, so now is the time to “Just Do It”. What’s your “it”? What are you putting off that you “might” regret later? Here are 50 considerations from an article by the author of Time Management Ninja.
- Doing the #1 task on your to-do list.
- Making that phone call.
- Getting the car maintenance done.
- Fixing something that is out of order.
- Going to the doctor.
- Getting enough sleep.
- Pursuing your dreams.
- Reading a book.
- Spending time with someone you care about.
- Going for a walk.
- Going to see the person you need to talk to.
- Telling the truth.
- Confronting something from your past.
- Doing something for your future.
- Saving money.
- Learning something new.
- Traveling someplace you have never been.
- Doing something you have never done.
- Talking to someone you don’t know but want to.
- Starting a new habit.
- Stopping a bad habit.
- Cleaning up your desk.
- Donating something to charity.
- Writing in your journal.
- Answering that email.
- Getting your degree.
- Working on your resume.
- Finding a new job.
- Doing something that you are passionate about.
- Putting yourself first.
- Getting a life… yours.
- Facing a fear.
- Starting your hobby.
- Losing weight.
- Taking time off from work.
- Helping someone who needs it.
- Appreciating your family.
- Setting goals for yourself.
- Testing and stretching your limits.
- Eating a healthy meal.
- Enjoying some quiet time.
- Going to see a friend.
- Emptying the garage.
- Taking the dog for a walk.
- Playing with your kids.
- Taking your spouse on a date.
- Doing something on your bucket list.
- Standing up for yourself.
- Telling someone you love them.
So, what’s your “it”? Whatever it is, Just Do It!
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