Thinking Ahead So You Don’t ‘FALL’ Behind
As you prepare for the year-end closeout and begin planning for 2023, assess your strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats.
Ask questions that include the following:
What does my organization need to successfully close out the year?
What planned goals and objectives were not achieved this year?
What worked well this year that I should carry into 2023?
With less than two months remaining in 2022, the sooner you get going with your 2023 business planning, the more momentum will build up behind your efforts and the more likely you’ll be to achieve your 2023 goals. Begin by asking what changes if any, you will be making in your business. By thinking ahead and creating your business plan now, you can use November and December to initiate change, deal with false starts, and get the mindset needed to make the big shifts that can lead to big successes in your business.
Your business plan is like a compass that points in the direction your business should be heading. Consistently monitoring and reviewing your business plan will alert you when a change in course is needed. Research shows that 80% of people abandon their New Year’s resolutions by February, so thinking ahead and starting early will provide time to reset, restart, course-correct, or adjust your SMART goals as many times as you need to.
Being proactive and starting now allows time to slow down, step back, and wash away some of the pressure that a time crunch can bring. Taking a deep dive internally into your business can prove to be beneficial. By January 1, 2023, you’re not making a list and wishing for the best; you’re in forward motion. Your company will also have a head start while others are just starting their goals/resolutions, you’ll be relishing in results. Being intentional early will allow you to start the new year stress-free, aligned with your company and goals.
Now is the time to conduct a Year-End-Project Review, an iBPA© – Business Performance Assessment – is an in-depth assessment of an organization’s operational effectiveness (what went well and what didn’t), and aligns/realigns vision, mission, goals, and initiatives to enable winning outcomes.
Consider iSeek’s Strategic Plan Development Workshop – This interactive workshop positions your organization to effectively develop the five best practice components of a strategic plan, prioritize business objectives and make informed decisions.
iSeek’s resources and expert consultants can help you Align, Optimize, Empower, and Succeed! Here are a few of the benefits:
- Assess, mature, or develop your organization’s strategic plan
- Help you gauge the value of opportunities that come your way
- Construct business and technology roadmaps that enable strategic objectives
- Ensure organizational governance and stakeholder engagement
- Analyze business impacts that may impede progress in 2023
- Evaluate operational effectiveness
- Ensure processes are adequately documented
- Lead and manage transformation and growth initiatives
- Measure the actual performance of your business against pre-determined goals and objectives
If you need a “running start” or motivation to make positive and powerful changes in the life of your business/organization, iSeek Solutions will equip you with the right tools and strategies to help you get ahead! To increase your chances of success and staying on track in 2023, try using this month as your Fall season jumpstart!
To learn more about iSeek Solutions, read our case studies that provide insight into some of the challenges we have helped our clients successfully overcome. Review our resources, and contact us today to get started!
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